Attention is focused mental engagement on a particular item of information. Items come into our awareness, we attend to a particular item, and then we decide whether to act.
Thomas Davenport, John C. Beck: The Attention Economy (2001)
We’re ecstatic to announce that Spindl is joining Coinbase to build the future of onchain advertising at the company that’s bringing the world onchain.
Spindl has busily spent the past 2.5 years building every element of the marketing flywheel: from attribution to analytics to audience segmentation and, finally, to ad ranking and serving for natively onchain publishers like wallets. From user click to wallet connect to onchain action, and back into audience segmentation and targeted ad again, Spindl operates the full marketing flywheel from start to finish.
Speaking of flywheels, our Flywheel protocol is the onchain manifestation of the Spindl marketing cycle: developers publish what onchain events they wish to drive (and what users are likely to engage), and an entire ad-serving and attribution machinery kicks in to pay publishers for provably driving value. While affording all the control and performance of legacy Internet advertising like Meta and Google, Flywheel does so while also enabling two-sided transparency in the attention marketplace.
If consumer crypto is to take off, someone is going to have to pay the server bills. Already publishers and advertisers are doing custom, one-off deals for co-marketed content across consumer touchpoints; Spindl is the way to do this at scale across many chains and apps.
In conversations with Jesse Pollak and the Base team over the past few months, it rapidly became clear that the shortest path to the Spindl vision of transparent natively-onchain ads lay through Coinbase. With a focus on Based builders and open protocols, (Coin)Base was the perfect place for us to land as a team and product. Spindl will operate as a product team inside Base, but continue to support builders and campaigns across many different chains and publishers.
For existing advertisers and attribution clients, nothing will change in the Spindl service. Soon, we will have even more onchain users reachable via Spindl, both on Coinbase and elsewhere.
For existing publishers in the Spindl ads network, nothing else will change in your integration or how your data is handled. However, look for new and interesting growth campaigns for your users from Based builders very soon.
We will be formally launching Flywheel (with accompanying whitepaper) at EthDenver in late February. Reach out to either turn on wallet-targetable growth campaigns, or monetize your existing onchain app.
For more takes on onchain marketing and what’s coming with Spindl and Coinbase, subscribe for free.